Swollen eyes: causes, tips and tricks

Swollen eyes

On the one hand, swollen eyes are uncomfortable and on the other, aesthetically unpleasant. They can appear immediately after getting up or in the course of a long, stressful day. Often, they are accompanied by other eye conditions such as redness, burning or dark rings around the eyes. The reason for this does not have to be partying all night or a tear-filled proposal of marriage. There are many causes responsible for swollen eyes. While some people are only occasionally affected, others suffer from the symptoms every morning.

Swollen eyes? These are the causes!

The reasons for swollen eyes are many. People who are only affected every now and then usually know the causes themselves: going to bed too late, spending the evening before in a smoke-filled club or crying along to a romantic movie. The eyes were excessively burdened and the next morning this shows through swelling of the eyelids and clearly defined lacrimal sacs. An immediate remedy is required in this case in order to reduce the acute signs and to start the day fresh.

On the other hand, some people suffer permanently from swollen eyes and quite often they do not know the causes. In such cases, working at a monitor could be straining the eyes or frequently being in air-conditioned rooms. In these cases, many typical symptoms of dry eyes (sicca syndrome) come together and it is recommended to undergo sustained, intensive treatment of the eyes.

Furthermore, other illnesses such as a cold, inflammation of the eye or allergies could also be the cause of swollen eyes. In such cases, it is imperative to visit an eye doctor, in order to establish the cause and to start individual treatment.


Did you know? Swelling of the eyes is caused by a build-up of the lymph fluid in the eyelids. The liquid collects in the tissue and the eyelids get thicker.


Help for frequently swollen eyes

If you frequently or even constantly suffer from swollen eyes, you should try to eliminate the causes and to help the eyes with targeted care. Especially when further symptoms of dry eyes occur, it makes sense to use lubricating eye drops regularly. Depending on the intensity of the symptoms, there are various products available from the HYLO® EYE CARE range: the classic HYLO COMOD® has proven its worth for treating mild and moderate symptoms while HYLO® GEL is particularly recommended for intensive lubrication in the case of very severe symptoms.

In addition to that, you should make sure that you get enough sleep. Seven hours a day are ideal. Watch that you always go to bed at the same time and that the room temperature in the bedroom is not too warm. That way, you and your eyes will recuperate better.

It is also important to take in sufficient liquids. At best, drink 1.5 to 2 litres of water or unsweetened tea spread throughout the day. It also helps if you reduce your salt intake. The German Society for Nutrition states that 10 grams is the upper limit for an adult’s daily salt intake because excessive consumption of salt not only generally harms your health but also causes the retention of water in tissue – and thereby also in the eyes.

If you work a lot in front of a monitor, it is advisable to give your eyes a break now and then. Close your eyes during a telephone conversation or look out of the window into the distance.

Quick tips: immediate help for your eyes

You have just woken up and have acute problems with swollen eyes? Here are a few tips to relax your eyes and to make them look fresh again:

Tip 1

Cooling mask

Cool your tired eyelids with a mask. This pulls the blood vessels together and the swelling goes down. You haven’t got a mask at home? Then just put two dessert spoons in the freezer for a short time. The insides of the cooled dessert spoons fit perfectly over the eyes and serve the same purpose as a cooling mask. Test the temperature of the spoons on the back of your hand before placing them on your eyes, so that the cutlery feels comfortably cooling but is not unpleasantly cold.


Tip 2


Treat your eyes to a short revitalizing break and plenty of moisture. Cucumber slices – fresh from the refrigerator – not only have a cooling effect but also contain a lot of moisture. Simply lay the cooling cucumber slices on your closed eyes for several minutes and relax while doing so.

Tip 3



HYLO FRESH® helps tired and swollen eyes achieve new freshness. With hyaluronan and eyebright, it hydrates occasionally stressed eyes and gives them the perfect boost of freshness.

Tip 4

Short massage

Reduce the swelling on swollen eyelids with a short massage: simply tap on the eyelids and the tear sacs with your fingertips using a drumming motion from inside to outside.
Gentle stroking motions from the nose to the outside of the eye also help.

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